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The Australian National Soil Information System (ANSIS) provides access to nationally consistent soil data and information to support the sustainable management of soil.
ANSIS is the new place to find readily useable soil data and information.

Watch this short video to learn more about ANSIS
Australia’s soil is fundamental to our lives.
Our food grows in soil. Soil helps to regulate our climate and support our biodiversity and environment. Soil also supports our infrastructure and cities, our heritage, and the way we live.
The Australian National Soil Information System – ANSIS – has been developed through a new scientific collaboration. ANSIS was funded by the Australian Government and led by CSIRO in collaboration with state governments, research organisations, industry, the private sector and the community.
Using new processes and technologies, ANSIS improves online access and use of shared, nationally consistent soil data and information.
This helps all Australians better understand soil and make better decisions about managing our important soil resources.
ANSIS assists policy makers to develop effective government policies that ensure our soil is sustainably used and enhanced for future generations.
The System enables researchers to better understand the way our soil works, its role in climate change adaptation and mitigation, and the impacts we have on this valuable natural resource.
By using ANSIS, farmers and land managers have access to more soil data and can be better placed to more sustainably manage the soil on which they rely.
ANSIS is available online at and continues to grow and evolve. Join us to help improve our sustainable soil management.
Soil is one of our most valuable natural resource assets. It plays a crucial role in delivering resilience to climate change and supporting agricultural industries. Soil also supports our biodiversity and environment, our infrastructure, our heritage, and the way we live.
CSIRO coordinated a $15m project with the Australian Government to re-develop our national soil information infrastructure. The Australian National Soil Information System (ANSIS) provides access to soil data and information and makes it more discoverable and usable.
ANSIS is a collaborative partnership across public and private sectors.
ANSIS can help Australians to better understand soil, enabling them to make better decisions about managing our important soil resources.
ANSIS is supported by funding through the Australian Government National Soil Strategy (Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry) in collaboration with CSIRO and partner organisations.