Project Governance
Broader Governance Arrangements
The ANSIS project is delivering within the broader National Soil Strategy, which has various governance arrangements in place.
The National Soil Strategy Steering Committee

A conceptual diagram of governance arrangements for ANSIS and the broader governance environment.
The National Soil Strategy Steering Committee have responsibility for broad strategic direction setting and program coordination for the National Soil Strategy
The National Soil Strategy Program Consultative Groups
The National Soil Strategy Program Consultative Groups define and govern the various programs, which will be pursued with specialist advisors and experts. In the ANSIS context, the relevant Consultative Group is the National Soil Information Framework.
Program Management Committees
The programs are governed by Program Management Committees who implement specialist practices to design, develop, test and implement solutions to achieve National Soils Information Framework strategy and National Soil Strategy. In the ANSIS context, National Soils Information Framework Consultative Group sets broad strategic direction for ANSIS project context.
Project Management Committee
For the ANSIS project led by CSIRO, the Project Management Committee sets project direction, undertake project coordination and communication efforts (internal and external). The CSIRO ANSIS Project Coordination Team is responsible for ANSIS project coordination, delivery and design decision making. CSIRO make decisions on design of and resourcing for deliverables.
Project Advisory Groups
Projects are informed by Project Advisory Groups. For ANSIS this includes a Consultative Group and a Science and Technical Reference Group. The Project Advisory Groups are appointed by and report to the CSIRO Project Coordination Team and respond to CSIRO ANSIS Project Activity Teams requests for project advice and expertise regarding ANSIS requirements.
ANSIS Interim Project Governance
Initial, interim, high level governance arrangements for ANSIS occur within this broader context. These arrangements are socio-technical and present a framework that brings together independent partners and key stakeholder organisations to guide strategic and technical decisions about soil data sharing through ANSIS. The governance arrangements, through specific policy documents and terms of reference, also clearly defines the roles, responsibilities, policies, and procedures required for members of the ANSIS community to participate. It is anticipated that collaborative governance of ANSIS after the interim, initial period will be different, and a transition plan needed.